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February Break

Barack H. Obama Elementary
Magnet School of Technology

Dekalb County Schools

Audition Procedures

Broadcast Auditions Itinerary
Each morning:
7:10: Sign in and check off of students arriving on time, wearing the school uniform, and having a sharpened pencil

Day 1: Monday
•Students demonstrate that they consistently place their right hand over their heart for the Pledge of Allegiance. (Students who need to learn their right hand will be thanked for auditioning and encouraged to attend the spring broadcast auditions.)
•Students demonstrate that they have practiced, correctly pronounce, and recite the pledges by memory.
•Practice the opening and closing with students. Students should practice keeping their eyes forward as if looking into a camera lens, speaking clearly, and wearing a smile/pleasant expression.

Day 2: Tuesday
•Have students to practice the pledges individually. (Students unable to practice individually will be thanked for auditioning and encouraged to attend the spring broadcast auditions.)
•Students practice and memorize the opening and closing individually and in pairs.

Day 3: Wednesday
•Have students recite the opening with pledges and closing.
•Teach students how to locate the weather, lunch menu, and pronunciation of words on the computer.

Day 4: Thursday
•Have student to practice the opening with pledges and closing individually and in pairs.
•Have students to individually locate the weather, lunch menu, and pronunciation of words on the computer.
•Teach students how to read the lunch menu.

Day 5: Friday
•Review student attendance, uniform, and pencil compliance. (Students unable to comply with the club procedures will be thanked for auditioning.)
•Have students demonstrate the opening with pledges and closing individually and in pairs. (Students unable to recite the opening with pledges and closing will be thanked for auditioning and encouraged to attend the spring broadcast auditions.)
Day 6: Monday
•Have student to practice the opening with pledges and closing individually and in pairs.
•Have students read the lunch menu with correct pronunciation of words.
•Demonstrate for students how to research a special event in PebbleGo, Galileo, World Book Online, etc.
•Students will practice reading with correct pronunciation, inflection, and express Monday Manners, Inspirational Quote of the Day, and Tech Tuesday blurbs.

Day 7: Tuesday
•Assign and have students to research a special event individually and write a 30 -45 second blurb.

Day 8: Wednesday
•Have student to recite the opening with pledges and closing in pairs.
•Have students read the lunch menu with correct pronunciation of words.
•Have students recite a Monday Manners, Inspirational Quote of the Day, or Tech Tuesday blurb.
•Have students read their blurb for their assigned special event.

Day 9 and 10: Thursday and Friday
•Observe how students work individually and in groups.
•Make possible groupings for the upcoming months rotation for Obama News Crews.