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February Break

Barack H. Obama Elementary
Magnet School of Technology

Dekalb County Schools

Social Studies Fair

Fifth Grade Social Studies Fair 2021


Social Studies Fair Timeline 


Distribute Social Studies Fair Packet to teachers, students, and parents 

10/26 – 10/30/20 

DCSD S.S. Fair Meeting  

10/29/20 2:45 p.m. 

Distribute parent letter  


5th Grade parent meeting 


Students will select topic  

• Approve Topic and Title 

10/27 – 11/6/20 

Thesis Statement/Statement of Purpose  

• Formulate a research question 

• Why was this topic selected and what do you plan to prove or explain? 

10/27 – 11/6/20 

Students will begin research  

Information Research/Note Cards  

• Continue researching and taking notes  

• Create a methodology by documenting the research you complete 

11/9 – 11/25/20 

Students will begin writing research paper and bibliography 

Outline of Research Summary Paper 

 • The outline should provide a guide on how you plan to present your research  

11/26 – 1/8/21 

Students will begin backboard and technology presentations 

• Sketch a preliminary design for your display. Be sure to include your purpose, methodology, and conclusion 

1/8 - 1/27/21 

Students will turn in Rough Draft of Research Summary Paper  

• Have your parent or guardian proofread your rough draft before submitting it to your teacher  


Social Studies project will be due 

Final Draft of Research Summary Paper  

• Your final draft should be typed and no longer than 600 words  

• Double check for spelling, punctuation, and grammar Final Visual Display (Backboard) and Model  

• Include all required elements on the visual display and an accompanying 3-D model 


Local School Fair 


Submit 3 winners to DCSD Fair 




Please click on this link to download the research paper template.  Follow the instructions that are typed in red.  Then, delete everything that is typed in red once all the instructions have been followed.  
After the entire research paper is completed,
  • press "CTRL + A" to select all,  
  • change the font to 12 or 14, 
  • change the font color to black, and 
  • change the font style to Arial or Times New Roman.


Fifth Grade Scholar Talk

 Elements of a Backboard


Each backboard must have:

=         a title othe project (either the title must be in the form of a question or an additional  part must be added          somewhere to the backboard which clearly states the question researched).

=         a purpose of the project.

=         a statement of the methodology used for researching or investigating the topic.

=         visuals to illustrate the topic (pictures, charts, graphs, maps, etc).

=         the conclusion to the question researched (this may be taken directly from the conclusion in the 

              body of the student's research paper).


Links to backboard examples:


 Social Studies Fair Rubric




1. Is my research question appropriately stated?


2. Is my written report clear, concise, and grammatically correct?


3. Are all my words spelled correctly?


4. Does my written report include:


    a. Title page


    b. Verification page (Include only if someone other than you typed your paper.)


    c. Purpose page


    d. Methodology page


    e. Research


    f. Conclusion page


    g. Bibliography


    h. Credit page (Optional- this page can be used to give recognition to someone 

        was especially helpful to you)


5. Is my exhibit durable and easily movable?


6. Is my exhibit appropriate for the particular discipline for which I prepared it? 


7. Does my backboard include:


    a. A clear statement of the question researched


    b. Purpose


    c. Methodology


    d. Evidence of my research


    e. Conclusion


8. Is my name and other required information included on both my research paper 

    and my display?


9. Have I set up my completed project and done a final examination of my entire    



10. Is my exhibit attractive and appealing?


11. Have I secured audio/visual equipment and extension cords if needed?


12. Have I created an Abstract Card for my interview?